Friday, October 28, 2005

It's Early

You have probably noticed that the frequency of postings on here has dropped drastically. I just can't find the time to do it anymore (expect at quarter to six on a Friday morning). I'm getting ready for work and everyone else is still in bed. Our adoption process is almost finalized; we are just waiting for a court date to sign all the paper work with a lawyer. Everything is going good with the boys ... Paul seems to be really enjoying school and I've noticed that both Paul and Randy are changing like crazy. Randy's speach gets clearer every day it seems like and Paul is starting to be able to write his name.

I didn't get to see them last night or this morning because I had to work late and go in early today ... I miss them when I don't get to see them at night. At least the weekend is coming up. I tried to talk to Randy about adoption the other day ... I thought he understood when I told him that he and Paul were adopted. I said that it made him special and it was up to him whether or not he wanted to tell his friends or not.

The next day at daycare he told all of his classmates that his daddy told him he was a doctor.

I don't remember reading anything like that in any of the adoption preparation books?? I guess he will understand more in his own time.

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