Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Christmas Concert

Last night we went out to Paul and Randy's Christmas concert for daycare. They were both so cute and did a great job. Randy sang the Antler Hokey Pokey and Paul sang Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer -and- The 12 Days of Christmas. Paul was so tired that he almost fell asleep on stage .. it was a school day for him and no nap ..... so staying up until after 9pm was a little hard on him. After the concert we went to Tim Hortons for hot chocolate with Shawn, Tammy, Braedon and Riley.

On a whole though the evening was very stressful and bittersweet. Paul and Randy's foster parents were up visiting for a week. We saw them at our house for a quick visit on Thursday night and that seemed to go ok. We ordered pizza at home and played a few games together before the boys went to bed. We invited them back for another visit so that they could see their Christmas concert.

It was a big rush to get everyone organized and out the door. We all went out for dinner at a Chinese food buffet place and then rushed off to the school for the concert. To be honest I really didn't want the foster parents to be there at all .... its selfish I know but I resent the fact that I have to "share" them with anyone. I'm not convinced that it is in Paul and Randy's best interest to have on-going contact with them. They are going to have enough trouble understanding how at birth they were taken from their birthmother ...

I don't think they need the added burden of feeling like they were taken from their foster homes (especially since we were the ones doing the taking). Randy seemed ok with the visit (I don't think he even clearly remembers them). Paul on the otherhand had a difficult time and it tears me apart watching him struggle through it.

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