Sunday, January 22, 2006

We Are Done

Everything with the adoption is now final ... kind of anti-climatic to say the least. We thought it was going to be this big day where the four of us went to the court house and had to speak in front of a judge. As it turns out, we went to get the mail and found an envelope with two signed adoption orders in it .... Randy's was finalized on December 13th, 2005 and Paul's was done on January 6th, 2006.

For me it felt strange to think that some people somewhere had considered our relationship with the boys up until that point an interim one. They were a permanent part of us from very early on (sometimes I think maybe the connection was there before we even met them). If someone had tried to take them from us before it was finalized I would have fought them to my death.

I love the boys so much and couldn't be happier that we are now an "official" forever family.


Anonymous said...

Yipee .... guess that means we are now official grandparents. Your right doesn't make me feel any more of a grandma than I already feel. But nice to know it is official.

Anonymous said...

I'm not anonymous ... its mom