Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Happy Family Day

On March 21st, 2005 the four of us started our permanent journey together as a new family. The year has gone by very quickly. In some ways it seems like just yesterday but in others it seems like they have always been with us. We celebrated today ... we made a collection of pictures for the boys as a reminder of all the things we have done in the past year. We also had chocolate cake with ice cream and candles. I took off work an hour early and picked up the boys to spend some time together. Its nice to have this extra special day to share as a family .... we hope that it will always be an opportunity to talk about how the four of us were able to come together for all our benefit.


Anonymous said...

So grand that you celebrat this day. Has a year ever gone faster??? Love ya all!!!

Anonymous said...

hehehe .... didn't really mean to put celebrat!!!!! So funny

the Mom said...

Happy family day! Ours is coming up on April 4th. We know just what you mean by time going so fast yet seeming like our children have always been with us :-)

Trish and Kevin

The Daniels Family said...

Unreal that it has been a year already. That's fantastic! Looking forward to seeing you all soon and bringing our new baby Emily up to meet you all.