Thursday, July 27, 2006

Missing Grandpa

Two years ago today my Grandfather passed away suddenly. He lived a long and fulfulling life but it ended in an instant. I hope he is watching or can somehow sense all of the changes that all of us have gone through since he left us. I think of him often and miss him. He influenced me in many ways and I very much appreciate everything he did for me and taught me along the way.


Anonymous said...

Phil and my thoughts are with you. It is a difficult thing to deal with.

Anonymous said...

I miss your Grandpa (my dad) every single day. Not a day has gone by in the past two years that I have not thought of him. I know that you miss him too.

The best thing we can do for Grandpa is make sure that Grandma is ok. He would want us to do that. I try my best to look after her.