Saturday, November 19, 2005

Busy Busy Busy

Last weekend was my sisters wedding in Waterloo. We had a great time and the boys looked fantastic in their tuxedos. Wendy and I were the MCs and the boys sang grace before dinner ... to the tune of Frère Jacques:

Bless This Food Lord, Bless This Food Lord
And us too, And us too
We are here together, Praising you Forever
Bless This Food, And us too.

Very cute ... they were a hit and so well behaved the whole time. They were even quiet in the church. Grandma thought they need a distraction to keep them quiet and she gave them rubber frogs to play with. The boys played with them alright and made "ribbit, ribbit" noises through the ceremony.

Today was the Santa Claus Parade ... sure was alot different from last year. The boys seemed to have a great time. They seems almost more excited about seeing Batman in the parade than Santa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The boys were awsome at the wedding. We were very proud of them. Proud of you and Wendy too, you did a great job of MCing. Thank you Steven for taking all the wonderful pictures.