Saturday, December 24, 2005

Twas The Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas
And all through the house
People were sick
And Dad left the house

Our stockings are hung
by the Chimney with care
Filled up with presents
that we will pay for next year

The kids are all snuggled in their beds
Ya right .... dreams of suger plums will come
after midnight when they lay down their heads

Kids awake at 4:30 to see who's been here
Dads up till 2 wrapping presents and drinking beer
Tomorrow is Christmas
A great time of year.

Instead of snow storm
Its a raining tonight.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Love ... Steve, Wendy, Paul and Randy.


Anonymous said...

Whatttt.... drinking beer on Christmas Eve. shame on you!!!

Funny poem. I know that you thorougly enjoyed the whole thing, well, ,maybe not the sickness part.


Anonymous said...

I did post a comment but it isn't showing up. Hmmmmmm .... wonder what I did wrong.

Parents2B said...

Thanks for your comments. I don't think anyone else is reading this ... oh well.

what? said...

Twas the night before christmas and I was awake.
Sitting downstairs eating mom's chocolate cake.
I sat on the couch. I sat on the chair.
I thought that old man would never get there.
does anybody remember the rest? I forgot and would like to hear it again.